2012年4月29日 星期日

無法開啟 新增印表機 列印多工緩衝處理器未開啟

VISTA下無法列印 以為沒有安裝印表機


(Windows無法開啟 [新增印表機],本機列印多工緩衝處理器服務未執行,請重新啟動多工緩衝處理器,或重新開機)



步驟一: 檔案總管中,在"電腦"上按右鍵選取"管理"

步驟二: 在"管理"視窗左邊列表中,選取 "服務" (services)。右邊視窗內就是本機的所有服務,往下選到Print Spooler,此時它的狀態空白,啟動類型是"手動",難怪不能使用印表機!

步驟三: 在Print Spooler上點兩下出現下列視窗。點一下"啟動"按鈕即可啟動此服務。這台電腦不知何因竟然把列印功能必備的服務關掉了! 順便將它改成"自動"以確保Windows重新啟動後列印功能可以正常運作。


2012年4月28日 星期六

為什麼我的JAPAN LIFE遊戲找不到加朋友按鈕

如果你也是個玩遊戲都不看說明 也懶得執行任務的人
玩到JAPAN LIFE這個iPAD遊戲時 就可能遇到一樣的問題

玩沒兩天發現好多商店及設施都不能建 說是要有neighbor(中文版好像叫好友)...

還是沒消息  忍不住上網查

這才發現這遊戲叫和風物語  已經流行好幾個月了~
還有一大堆人在邀朋友 (英文版叫neighbor)

恍然大悟 原來neighbor要靠自己努力找 手動加

滿心歡喜抄了幾個ID回到遊戲裡 卻遍找不到可以加好友的按鈕

剛好工作也忙  就這樣再拖了幾天

今天   我終於搞懂了!!!

自己沒理會熱心的monggi   他當然幫不上忙...


我的是英文版 所以是 "Skip tutorial"這個
點選後繼續按確定 這個按鈕就出現了!

最後 如果你也在找好友
我的ID:   4joal

老實說 我原先以為它是單機版遊戲.....

2012年4月13日 星期五

Tagging / Untagging VLAN ID with Linux

Here's the note of my VLAN ID tagging / untagging experiment on CentOS 5.5.

Add VLAN tag on packets from LAN port 1 with ID 1000 and LAN port 2 with ID 2000. Forward both to LAN port 3 and remove VLAN tags in the reverse direction. To do this, we need 8021q kernel module and bridge controller "brctl". Here's the command to make it work:

Three interfaces on my PC:
LAN port 1 = eth0
LAN port 2 = eth1
LAN port 3 = eth2

First bring up all the base interfaces:
   ifconfig eth0 up
   ifconfig eth1 up
   ifconfig eth2 up

Create VLAN interfaces and bring them up:
   vconfig add eth0 1000
   ifconfig eth0.1000 up
   vconfig add eth1 2000
   ifconfig eth1.2000 up

Prepare (create) bridges:
   brctl addbr bridge1000
   brctl addbr bridge2000

Bridge eth0.1000 to LAN port 3 (eth2):
   brctl addif bridge1000 eth0.1000
   brctl addif bridge1000 eth2
   ifconfig bridge1000 up

Bridge eth1.2000 to LAN port 3 (eth2):
   brctl addif bridge2000 eth1.2000
   brctl addif bridge2000 eth2
   ifconfig bridge2000 up


note 1: I once had troubles to make it work. reason is that bridge needs to be activated manually.

note 2: saw such info somewhere, "8021q kernel module is enabled by default only in Kernel 2.6". with Kernel 2.4 you need to insert the module manually (insmod 8021q). if you don't find the module in system, install it with yum. try keyword 8021q or vlan.

note 3: interfaces in a bridge seems lose their layer3 functions. for example, I lost access to IP address of eth2 after "ifconfig bridge2000 up". guess that's because all packets (in fact Ethernet frames) to eth2 forwarded to eth0.2000 before going up to IP layer.   

2012年4月3日 星期二

How to block Microsoft Live Messenger Ads

I agree this is a fair deal that I use Live Messenger for free while Microsoft pushing Ads at the bottom to make some money.

Some time ago the Ads became unbearable. A big window pop up right in the middle of desktop whenever my cursor walk over the minimized Ad. This drove me crazy and I decided to block the Ads with no mercy...

Again, google helps in almost all cases. I found there are at least 3 ways to deal with the Ads.
1. install MSN Shell
2. block the site rad.msn.com by adding it in IE options
3. blind messenger by redirecting rad.msn.com to itself (loopback)

I don't like 3rd party shell since they are too powerful to win my trust. I don't like IE to get involved because it get hi-jacked by ad sites easily. Option 3 is no doubt the best solution because it's risk free. I gave it a try and it work out so great. Here's the steps to carry it out:

step 1. edit the file c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, add a line " rad.msn.com" at the bottom. (example from Windows 7)

   # Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
   # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
   # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
   # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
   # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
   # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
   # space.
   # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
   # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
   # For example:
   #     rhino.acme.com          # source server
   #     x.acme.com              # x client host
   # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
   #       localhost
   #    ::1             localhost    rad.msn.com

step 2. save the file to your desktop (it's a system file so I save it to desktop temporarily)

step 3. move the saved file back to its origin. my case, cut the file "c:\users\jason\desktop\hosts" and paste it in folder "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc". you need to authorize the request to overwrite because you're accessing a system file.

step 4. execute the command in DOS Shell "ipconfig /flushdns" to activate the trick

step 5. re-login restart your Messenger and you should fine Ads no longer show

Hope this work for you also.


2012年4月2日 星期一

Why is my hard drive so busy (process hacker)

Ever wonder why your hard drive is always busy reading or writing something that slow down your Windows dramatically even you're doing nothing? I do, and it bothers me all the time because my Windows VISTA running on a E8200, 4G memory hardware is always writing something I don't know making endless clicking sound even after screen saver activated.

An always busy hard drives is really annoying. It can be a windows service, a virus, or in most cases the windows memory swapping who make your hard drive busy. Anyway, it's always good to know who's making it busy. Isn't it?

A quick search led me to a Taiwanese blog (http://twchuck.blogspot.com/2010/11/blog-post_19.html) which talking about the same thing (busy hard drive) and introduces a nice tool call "process hacker" (from sourceforge). I had it working on my computer in 3 minutes and the result came out so great!

Download the great tool from sourceforget here:
Process Hacker

No installation required. Just extract the folder you need to a place where files can be excuted (x64 folder for 64bit Windows, x86 for non-64bits, choose one that fits your Windows) and run "ProcessHacker.exe". This program will analyze and show you lots of useful information. Down below is a snapshop of my Windows VISTA. The task with highest "I/O Total" should be the one who bother your hard drive most. Ignore the process who bursts up and go down in 1 second. The ones who keep high I/O for at least 5 seconds are the real bad guys.

You can right click on the process you don't like to "terminate" it or even "terminate tree" to kill related processes at once. I made this post to help you find clues to an annoying symptom, not to ruin your unsaved work so be sure that you know what you're doing. Killing something you don't know may cause system unstable!


(ignore those Chinese characters since I have no way to change them to English in a Chinese Windows)